Real Estate Exam study guide

If you haven't seen from my Instagram stories, I've been working on a new journey in real estate. I had to do three things:
1. Purchase and complete a 75-salesperson course.
2. I had to take the schools final exam and pass.
3. Schedule my state real estate exam and pass.

I was a little nervous on taking the first exam because I had already heard it was 75 questions about everything. Some people were failing on their first try. But I studied for two weeks straight and played it back in audio over and over again in the background. I passed with 72/75! I did a lot of memorizing and making sure I knew the equations. The study guide I used made the difference. For the state exam, the study guide is a little longer. Because the tests are different and you never know which one you're going to take I recommend you attempt remembering as much as possible. It's all about repetition and relating the key terms to something similar. I have created a guide based on my 75 hour course and exam questions I've seen on different versions of the test. Also, the basics.


158. The practice in which real estate brokers guide prospective home buyers towards or away from certain neighborhoods based on their race.

  • Steering

159. What is convincing owners to sell/lease property by telling them a particular group of people are moving into the area called?

  • Blockbusting

160. A banker decides not to lend in a community because of the infusion of people of a particular race, religion, or nationality is known as?

  • Redlining

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Hope it helps a few of you guys out there!
