Resolutions For The New Year 2017

With social media at it's all time popularity you'll see many memes that tend to rain down on people who believe in making new year's resolutions. It can make you feel like it's a little tacky to make these goals and post about it on your Facebook or Twitter. But on the contrary, it's those Debby downers who secretly wanted to post about their new intended goals but saw someone else make it seem "uncool". So they jump on that bandwagon.
If making a resolution motivates you, don't stop. I encourage it. If your 2016 was as up and down as mine, writing out a list or even a post sets a guideline. I did this yesterday(January 1st). If it's quitting soda we're only on the second day of the year. Start as of NOW. Buy yourself a pack of water from you local Rite Aid and keep cool waters everywhere. Anytime you feel the urge for a soda remind yourself about that goal and take a sip of water. You'll probably find that water is pretty tasty and refreshing. If it's quitting cigarettes, find a replacement. As hard as the patch or gums might be stick to it. The next time you think of taking a quick drag think of horrible smell and consequences. Find a hobby to fill that time whether it's maintaining a few plants or joining the gym.
Starting over is never too late. And although 2016 was only a couple days ago reminding yourself you're on to new things is a healthy way to repair your mind and body.

